Perkin Elmer TMA 7
Main Specifications
- Temp. range: -170°C to 1000°C
- Temp. precision: ±2°C
- Temp. sensor: Chromel-alumel thermocouple.
- Heating/Cooling rate: 0.1°C to 100°C/min. in 0.1°C increment
- Displacement sensitivity: 50nm
- Resolution: 3nm
- Loading range: -650 to 800 grams force
- Probe sensitivity: Measure low CTE down to 3-4E-6 ppm/°C
- Probe type:
- Expansion probe permits the coefficient of linear expansion determination directly
- Compression probe uses for penetration measurement of compressive determination
- Dilatometer accessory permits the determination of volumetric changes of materials as a function of temperature
Services provided by PCBTC
- TMA including CTE, Tg determination of printed circuit boards
- Technical services that give genuine value for money (20% discount for PCB User Club members)